One on One with Sendy Ltd: Using Technology to bring efficiency in business

Think back to how business was done a few decades ago. There was no email, Internet, mobile marketing, telecommuting or smartphones. Innovations in technology have improved operations at companies of all sizes. ITBusinessDirect spoke with Sendy Ltd, a tech platform in Kenya that connects businesses to Drivers to make delivery simple and transparent, on the tech ecosystem in Kenya. The session is majorly on the digital innovation trends and the set backs faced by Tech start ups in the industry. Question: Its true that Technology brings businesses closer to customers. How can…

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Q&A with Matt Roberts-Davies, M-Changa; Create Innovative Products That Match Local Culture

ITBusiness spoke with Matt Roberts-Davies, the Business Development Manager/Experience Director at M-Changa, a fundraiser management platform that provides cutting edge end-to-end management tools to enhance fundraising success. The session is majorly on the tech trends in Africa and the novelty of the internet of things (IoT). 1. How can you define the technology sector in Kenya? There is a lot of buzz around tech in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital city. One of the main reasons for this is the success of M-Pesa, a digital wallet that has reached mass adoption in…

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Q&A with Ethel Cofie, Co-Founder Women in Tech Africa, and EDEL Technology Consulting

This is a QnA with the CEO of EDEL Technology Consulting, a custom software and digital products company and Founder of Women in Tech Africa, Africa’s largest women in tech group with members in over 30 Africa countries and physical chapter in Ghana, Kenya and London.  It was featured on Women’s Forum. Women’s Forum: Why did you choose to be a speaker at the Women’s Forum Mauritius 2016? I have always been passionate about technology, innovation, women leadership and empowerment. The theme (Bringing more women and youth into the innovation…

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Q&A: DCA Trust Founder on Status of .Africa & Why Other African gTLDs failed to Go Live!

ITBusiness: We spoke with the Pioneer of the .Africa gTLD and Yes2dotAfrica Campaign Sophia Bekele, also named African Trailblazer – Made in Africa – by the “Collector’s Edition” of UK’s Premium “NewAfrican Magazine” & one of top ICT Women in Africa by Bloomberg TV, on the status of the most controversial domain .Africa.     ITB Q1: What is the Status of .Africa battle S. Bekele: The status of .Africa is now at the US Court, mainly because of ICANN did not manage to oversee a proper evaluation process and generally mishandling…

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Developing Future African Leaders — Q&A with Wadzi Katsidzira of the African Leadership Academy

Africa’s future is bright, but realizing its potential will require the development of a new generation of African leaders ready to compete in a global economy. African economies are among the fastest-growing in the world, and the continent’s potential is widely recognized. Achieving this bright future will require a new generation of African leaders that are equipped with the skills and knowledge to compete in an increasingly global economy. That’s where organizations like the African Leadership Academy (ALA) comes in, identifying some of the most promising youth from around the…

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Lorely Burt: Women entrepreneurs are untapped talent says report

Women entrepreneurs could play a bigger role in the UK economy, creating jobs and boosting growth as well as reducing gender inequality, according to the findings of an independent report published today (16 February 2015). Business Secretary Vince Cable’s women in enterprise champion, Lorely Burt MP, published the report making a number of recommendations aimed at boosting the number of female entrepreneurs. The report, ‘Inclusive Support for Women in Enterprise’, found that although the number of female-run small and medium-sized businesses has increased, there is still more to be done…

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Kim Kiyosaki: The Business Case for More Women Entrepreneurs

Why the world is better served when women start more businesses Given the fact that women make up 85% of all consumer purchases, it’s interesting to think that, according to the latest census data from 2007, women own only 28.7% of businesses. This statistic has some interesting implications when you consider the following facts I found over at she-economy: 59% of women feel misunderstood by food marketers 66% feel misunderstood by health care marketers 74% feel misunderstood by automotive marketers 84% feel misunderstood by investment marketers 91% of women in…

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Fortune’s 40 under 40: The future of women in tech looks bright

The diverse and robust pool of female founders and tech execs at Fortune’s 40 under 40 party proves positive for Silicon Valley’s future. Editing Fortune’s 40 Under 40 list is, every year, an education in ambition, disruption and extraordinary achievement. The process takes months of reporting, lots of debate and discussion and a healthy amount of handwringing as our deadline looms. And then comes the fun. Every year, we hold a giant party for the 40 Under 40 and a few hundred other movers and shakers in the San Francisco…

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Our biggest search competitor is Amazon says Google Boss Eric Schmidt


BERLIN: Google boss Eric Schmidt said on Monday his company’s biggest competition as a search engine came from e-commerce giant Amazon, not from its traditional rivals. In remarks prepared for delivery in Berlin, Schmidt hit back at accusations that Google as the world’s biggest search engine enjoyed unchallenged market dominance, saying that the sector was targeting the company on several fronts. “Many people think our main competition is Bing or Yahoo. But, really, our biggest search competitor is Amazon,” he said. “People don’t think of Amazon as search, but if…

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Kenya: Safaricom, Seven Seas Technologies in joint bid for county ICT tenders

Safaricom has partnered with Kenyan based ICT multinational Seven Seas Technology in an initiative aimed at harnessing the use of technology to offer integrated communications solutions to Safaricom enterprise and mobile consumer segments. In Summary Under the partnership signed Tuesday, the two firms will market education, health and agriculture IT management solutions to the counties. The Safaricom and Seven Seas partnership comes at a time when most county governments are adopting automated systems to get rid of ghost workers and streamline their financial platforms to seal revenue leakages through corruption.…

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