Twitter Dashboard, the app aimed at business users, is shutting down on February 3 — just over seven months since it was launched.
However, its demise may not be so bad for the larger Twitter community.
Twitter released the new app called Dashboard which was designed to help businesses make the most of their Twitter presence without having to refer to third-party options. Dashboard was described as a “a powerful tool designed to help businesses connect with their customers and community.” Among its features is a customized feed, tweet scheduling, personalized notifications, and tweet recommendations.
In a series of tweets, the Dashboard team has explained that they’re looking to bring the best features from Dashboard ‘to the broader community’ – which probably means through TweetDeck which has received several upgrades in recent times. In hindsight, it may have been better for the social media platform to focus more attention on TweetDeck more specifically, as almost all of the Dashboard functions are already available there, but they must have seen a need for a specific app, with better mobile functionality likely a key focus.
For users that have enjoyed having a more focused, mobile-friendly app, Twitter still has Engage, also introduced last June, which provides some of the functions, including a filterable feed and in-stream analytics.