Sophia Bekele aka AddisHilton, gives The SCOOP on her story of Balancing Life & Work and how Change is Controversial

People The SCOOP, features Sophia Bekele as “an international entrepreneur, ICT activist and fondly referred to as “AddisHilton”.   Her story depicts of a lady who found her niche in creating a balance between her work of narrowing the digital divide, challenging the status quo, and a life of leisure with global travel, exotic hobbies, and an upcoming book on Africa – certainly seem to have done a successful job of living life her way, as she says, “she has already lived a full life and wants now to lead by…

CentralNic contracts to acquire Internet.BS

CentralNic has contracted to acquire the business and certain of the assets of Internet.BS Corp, a leading retailer of domain names registered in The Bahamas, for a maximum consideration of $7.5m. CentralNic says Internet.BS is one of the world’s top 30 domain name retailers, and it serves a global customer base from 199 countries. It has been trading for eleven years and it is accredited by the global regulator ICANN as well as the numerous operators of country codes including .eu for Europe and .in for India. Internet.BS is a…

Critical ‘homework’ before the U.S. relinquishes stewardship of ICANN

The Department of Commerce announced on March 14 that it will give up its last bit of control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 2015. As is often the case with government decisions announced late on a Friday, this decision is controversial. The U.S. has exercised light oversight of ICANN since it established the organization and emphasized the need for a free and open Internet. Other nations do not share America’s perspective and have sought repeatedly to work through U.N. organizations such as the International…

Corporate Governance and International Policy expert Sophia Bekele shares her view on the future of online Security in Africa

Source: CIO East Africa The AU’s Convention on the Establishment of a Credible Legal Framework for Cyber Security in Africa (AUCC) has been the focus of debate recently. DotConnectAfrica was among the first organizations to comment and highlight several issues on the draft legislation In view of this and to further shed light on online security issues in Africa, CIO East Africa editor Mike Ouma sought the views of Ms Sophia Bekele, an international policy advisor on ICT and internet issues. Below are excerpts: As regards the state of online…