Comments and Questions by DCA Trust on .Africa at the ICANN-47 Public Forum, Durban SA

This is a complete unabridged version of the comment/questions raised by Ms. Sophia Bekele, Executive Director and CEO of DotConnectAfrica Trust, at the ICANN-47 Public Forum Meeting in Durban, Republic of South Africa on 18th July 2013. A shorter version was read out at the ICANN Public Forum Meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2013 due to constraint of time.

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DotConnectAfrica Trust’s application for the .Africa generic Top-Level Domain name (Application ID: 1-1165-42560) received a GAC Objection Advice at the ICANN-46 Beijing Meeting in April 2013.

According to the GAC Beijing Communiqué, now termed Beijing GAC Advice, DCA Trust’s application received a ‘Consensus Advice’: that it was the consensus of the entire GAC that the .Africa new application submitted by DCA Trust should not be approved. Since the Beijing GAC Advice was published on 11th April 2013, DCA Trust has continued to question the validity of the ‘GAC Consensus’ that led to the GAC Objection Advice against its application. Adapted from CircleID

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