The Technological industry’s playing field is devised and maintained mostly by men leaving women at an inherent disadvantage. This is simply not a fight for equality but a reality that the industry should acknowledge to improve consumer adoption.
The bias is hardwired into the very building blocks of the system, making it hard for men, who enjoy the upside of that same bias, to see the problem. Tech Crunch reports that it’s not a conspiracy, but an error on the part of the architects who don’t realize that diversity has to be invited to the room from the very beginning. Otherwise, the whole platform will be built on elements that estrange itself from diversity without even realizing it.
Stories like the AR-powered toy company SmartGurlz, a startup launched by an American in Denmark to help her daughter improve her performance in subjects like math, are an example of the way forward. The product was designed to engage and encourage young girls to learn to code by making the process fun through the magic of combining augmented reality and robotics with good storytelling.
According to Tech Crunch, When it comes to catering to girls and women in equal measure as consumers, it’s only rational to ensure that women are also placed and positioned in equal measure in the industry’s ranks.
It’s not optional but a hard necessity that needs to have been addressed yesterday and will prove increasingly vital to the long-term health of industries that can’t afford to be ignored by half the population.