A Greener South Africa Thanks To UberGreen


A new initiative by Uber seeks to make the South African environment cleaner by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In South Africa, 13% of carbon dioxide emissions are on account of the transport industry. Uber through a partnership with BMW and Nissan is seeking to bring that percentage down with UberGreen.

UberGreen is a pilot project where Uber users will be able to request Electric vehicles, the BMW or the Nissan LEAF. These vehicles will be operated by drivers at  Uberx prices giving Uber users the satisfaction that they are helping keep the environment clean at an affordable price.

The pilot project will run between 9th May and 3rd June. Alon Lits, the General Manager of Uber Sub-Saharan Africa said:

“In a world where mobility adds to the carbon emission problem, we at Uber are eager to provide alternate options. Uber is passionate about making rides better and more sustainable and this partnership is a step towards making changes for the good of our environment.”

If the project is successful, it might make for a new, cleaner and interesting phase of the car-hailing transport industry.

Read more here.

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