Deloitte gravitate investment in the Internet of Things


The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly assumed the status of a business mega-trend. While some forward-thinking businesses, government agencies and other organisations have already taken the first steps in implementing IoT components, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data available. Deloitte has invested substantially in its IoT capacity in order to support businesses in their transition.

A recent Deloitte Digital event on IoT was attended by senior executives across industry sectors, highlighting the demand for knowledge regarding IoT deployment. The event focused on real and practical applications for IoT, from heavy industry processing and manufacturing to digital supply management and telecoms. IoT.nxt was invited as the technology partner for the event.

“We worked with IoT.nxt around this event, because they are aligned to our thinking around deploying IoT in a manner that extracts real value from IoT. Adopting IoT is not rip and replace. Rather, it’s about consolidate and enhance,” said Gareth Rees, leader of the Deloitte Digital Transformation practice.

Frequently, businesses deploy technology in a manner which results in “islands of automation”, where sophisticated, intelligent systems collect useful data – but which can be difficult for other operational units to access. Rees stresses the importance of adding an interoperability layer via IoT which is technology- and device-agnostic.

Research firm Gartner estimates that the number of connected things will reach 20.8 billion by 2020. “We can expect that the amount of data transmitted from all these devices will grow at a breakneck speed. Some estimates are that connected devices will send over 500 zettabytes of data per year by 2019, up from 135 ZB in 2014,” said Rees. A zettabyte is one trillion gigabytes.

“Many businesses start by passively monitoring previously off-grid operational data, but IoT offers so much more potential than this. We’re assisting clients to think big, start small and then scale fast,” said Rees.

Improving business agility through intense monitoring and proactive reporting

Deloitte aims to improve company agility by helping them to aggregate information from different islands of automation and making important information accessible in real time. This results in better business decisions, cost reductions and greater income-generating potential.

Adapted from itnewsafrica

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